How to allow to work with thousands of Tables doing Discovery Scans

  • KM03630439
  • 24-Mar-2020
  • 24-Mar-2020


Explain and set the way to allow customers to work with SDM Discovery when they handle thousands of tables.


Explain and set the way to allow customers to work with SDM Discovery when they handle thousands of tables.
When customers try to work with a lot of tables with heavy loaded columns, memory tune up must be considered due to scanning process usually get stuck or an ‘out of memory’ message will come up.


Procedure to fix:
It is highly recommended to run scanning outside of webConsole.
è Are you aware of Discovery.bat? please look for this file in your obt/bin from product installation.
Do the following:
1.       Check obt-launcher.bat
line 82
if "%OBT_JAVA_VM_OPTIONS%"=="" set OBT_JAVA_VM_OPTIONS=-Xms512m -Xmx8192m

2.       cd ..\obt\bin
set project RAID_1;
reset project scan;
scan project;
3.       let it run. If you are on Discovery 1.6.5 your tables will be distributed on the number of available CPUs and scanned in parallel
4.       You can check the UI for progress, but for this number of tables, do not do it in webConsole.
èThis is a tune up way to fix issues related, please, move values according your hardware capabilities and OS too.