Could different leaf collectors with different collector types be configured on same port?

  • KM03606587
  • 09-Mar-2020
  • 09-Mar-2020

This document has not been formally reviewed for accuracy and is provided "as is" for your convenience.


1 Netflow Collector is configured using port 9996 on the leaf collector system and it is fine. Is that possible to add another Leaf Collector using the same port on the same leaf collector system but for SFlow? The system does not allow to do that with error like below. There is already a Leaf Collector with id Leaf1-NetflowCollector on host = xxx that is listening on port = 9,996


Could different leaf collectors with different collector types be configured on same port?


Multiple leaf collector instance maybe configured on a single leaf collect system (if the hardware/resources allow it), however each Traffic Leaf Collector instance needs the following fixed attributes -

Leaf Collector Attributes
Attribute Description
Collector Name The name of the Leaf Collector instance.
Status The status of the Leaf Collector system.
IP The IP address of the Leaf Collector system. The default value is
Collector Type

The type of Leaf Collector instance running on the system. Possible values are:

  • Netflow
  • Sflow
  • JFlow
Container Hostname The Fully qualified domain name of the system that hosts the collector instance.
Listen Port The Port where the collector instance listens for incoming traffic packets.


For each Traffic Leaf Instance the attribute ‘Collector Type’ allows the user to select only of the following collector types – netflow, ipfix, sflow and the Listen Port is reserved in the range 1024-65535

    Reference : Initial configuration of the iSPI Performance for Traffic



Furthermore, regarding the message “There is already a Leaf Collector with id <Leaf_Collector_ID> and ip = <IP_Address> that is listening on port = <Port#>” . The following lines of code in server to explain why the port assigned to one Leaf Collector Instance can’t be reused



                    if (leafCheckLPort.getListenPort().intValue() == listen) {

                        // String error =

                        // "There is already a Leaf Collector with id " +

                        // leafCheckLPort.getLeafCollectorId() + " on host = " +

                        // container.getHostName() +

                        // " that is listening on port = " + listen;

                        String error = Messages.ENUM_COM_HP_OV_NMS_SPI_TRAFFIC_COLLECTOR_53


                                new Object[] {


                                        container.getHostName(), listen })


                        if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {

                            LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, (error));


                        returnVal.put(Boolean.FALSE, error);

                        return returnVal;
