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When it is needed to restart postgres password of the DB user, it should be needed to folow the steps in this KM
The file that should be modified is pg_hba.conf
PostgreSQL uses the pg_hba.conf configuration file that is stored in the database data directory to control the client authentication. HBA means host-based authentication. To reset the password for the postgres user, it will be needed to modify some parameters in this configuration file.
- Edit the pg_dba.conf
- Change the below line:
host all postgres password
host all postgres trust
- Restart PostgreSQL DB service
- Use psql to connect to PostgreSQL DB: psql -U postgres
- ALTER USER postgres with encrypted password 'new_password';
These steps are required when customer doesn’t know any password of probe DB e.g. mamprobe or postgres.
Then it will be needed to reset postgres / mamprobe password using the above steps.