Clicking the Octane Sync item loads/reloads Octane instead

  • KM03583598
  • 27-Jan-2020
  • 27-Jan-2020


Clicking the Octane Sync item loads/reloads Octane instead


Clicking the Octane Sync item loads/reloads Octane instead


This occurs when Octane and Octane Sync are installed on different hosts and the domains are not the same


By default, ALM Octane generates authentication cookies per host (FQDN) and not per domain. If you do not have a load balancer, you must add a parameter to the ALM Octane setup.xml file, or you will not be able to access Synchronizer.

  1. In the ALM Octane setup.xml file, add the parameter <entry key="CreateDomain"></entry>
  2. Define its value to your subdomain and domain, but make sure the subdomain and domain are identical for both ALM Octane and Synchronizer. (In any case, enter the maximum URL section that is shared by both.)
  3. Restart ALM Octane.

Note, you can specify the domain of the Load Balancer instead if desired

For more info see: