How to change Manager Internal ID's after importing system tables in a tier-ESM deployment

  • KM03545644
  • 04-Nov-2019
  • 04-Aug-2020


Manager Internal ID


Why you want to keep keep Manager Internal ID's unique

Basically, when you forward events to another ESM, the upper tier ESM keeps track of Manager Internal IDs from the lower tier ESMs.  Therefore, it is important to keep Manager Internal IDs unique when you rebuild ESM with a system tables in a tier-ESM deployment.  


Here are the steps to regenerate the Manager Internal ID after importing the system tables

$ /sbin/service arcsight_services stop manager

To verify that the manager service has stopped run:

$ /sbin/service arcsight_services status


[Optional] Export the system tables.  (you can skip this step if you've rebuild this environment with a system tables).


$ cd /opt/arcsight/logger/current/arcsight/bin

$ ./mysql -u arcsight -p

Enter password

mysql> use arcsight;

mysql> create table arc_resource_mgr_id as select * from arc_resource limit 1;

mysql> truncate table arc_resource_mgr_id;

mysql> create table arc_relationship_mgr_id as select * from arc_relationship limit 1;

mysql> truncate table arc_relationship_mgr_id;

mysql> insert into arc_resource_mgr_id select * from arc_resource where resource_type = 3 and name = 'Manager Internal Agent';

mysql> insert into arc_relationship_mgr_id select * from arc_relationship where sourceid in (select id from arc_resource_mgr_id) or targetid in (select id from arc_resource_mgr_id);

mysql> delete from arc_resource where resource_type = 3 and name = 'Manager Internal Agent';


mysql> select * from arc_relationship where sourceid in (select id from arc_resource_mgr_id) or targetid in (select id from arc_resource_mgr_id);

The result of this select query should return an empty set.  If not, please continue to proceed to the next step to start up the manager service but report this issue to ArcSight ESM support.


$ /sbin/service arcsight_services start manager

To verify that the manager service has started run:

$ /sbin/service arcsight_services status


When the ESM manager starts up, it will create a new Manager Internal ID when none is found.

Once the Manager service has started successfully and no issues are reported, you can drop those two tables -


