The background logic of this job: it will try to use appcmd.exe to discover IIS, in cases if it meet exception for some unknown environment reason, it will fallback to old way to discovery IIS.
<< Progress message, Severity: Error>>
UDA : erreur interne. Détails :
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "NTCMD_IIS", line 1374, in DiscoveryMain
File "NTCMD_IIS", line 94, in checkScript
Exception: Failed to execute adsutil.vbs
The adsutil.vbs script is for IIS 6.0 and in this case we are running IIS 8.5 and 10.
Issue happend because Job tried to use appcmd.exe to discover IIS, in cases if it meet exception for some unknown environment reason, it will fallback to old way to discovery IIS.
IIS 8.5 and 10 are officially supported. See:
For the script to run, we need to set the following options on the IIS: "IIS 6 Management Compatibility" and "IIS 6 Scripting Tools".