How to change the shared space name in Octane

  • KM03532497
  • 03-Oct-2019
  • 03-Oct-2019


How to change the shared space name in Octane


How to change the shared space name in Octane


  1. Determine the shared space schema containing the workspace you wish to change. Do so by issuing a query to the Octane admin schema…

             select * from <octane_site_schema>.shared_space;

  1. Note the value in the field SP_ID and SP_NAME. The value in the SP_NAME is the name of the Shared Space. Not its SP_ID value as that is used in the next query
  2. Update the Shared Space name by issuing the following query…

             update <octane_site_schema>.shared_space set sp_name = '<new_shared_space_name>' where SP_ID = <SP_ID>

  1. Restart the Octane service for the changes to take effect