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When customer says that they are unable to view the SiteScope Data in RTSM mainly topology issue.
1. Stop SiS
2. Delete all content in C:\SiteScope\discovery\hsqldb folder , not folder itself
3. Delete all content in C:\SiteScope\discovery\script folder , not folder itself
4. Delete all content inside C:\SiteScope\cache\persistent\topaz folder , not folder itself
5. Delete all content inside C:\SiteScope\cache\topologyresultsData\merged folder, not folder itself
6. Start SiS
7. Right click SiteScope root folder-> select GSAR-> select all monitor's -> Next -> Replace -> please checked Report Description
checkbox and write some comments in "Report Description" filed and click Next->Next-> Finish.
8. Once you done all above steps Go to Preferences->Integration Preferences-> Please Edit BSM Integration-> and click Soft-Sync.
Once that is done they should be able to view the SiteScope data in APM.