This document shows several recommendations to take into account for the integration between APM and OMi (OBM) besides the official documentation.
Extra recommendations besides the attached document, take not of the following:
A. Install the dataflow probe installed on Windows (NOT ON LINUX)
B set in the APM configuration settings the LB as the target :
Enter the URL to connect to OMi using setOmiUrl method, for example: http://<OMi LB FQDN>:30005
press invoke. Also, port 30005 must be open on APM server.
C the LB must have certificates imported as well.
D Omi "Run Test"with APM checks with the OV communication Broker, which runs on APM (by default on port 383)
Port 383 must be allowed on the LB.
E Do a redeployment of OPR_event policy on GW server(s)