It is in fact quite normal to see warnings like this in the logs on first time startup of the probe :
Infrastructure settings file: infrastructureSettings.xml was not found
After about 5 minutes, the probe should request the infrastructure setting information from the server and use this information to generate “infrastructureSettings.xml” before downloading it to the probe – at which point logs similar to the following should be seen in the WrapperProbeGw.log :
ProbeGW: Downloading file from server: discoveryConfigFiles/infrastructureSettings.xml
Save file: download required:discoveryConfigFiles/infrastructureSettings.xml 1565272803166 time1565272815975
ProbeMgr: received new server data fileName=discoveryConfigFiles/infrastructureSettings.xml
NOTE: It is advised not to run clearProbeData as this can cause the process to be a lot longer than 5 minutes