How to create a global default scan settings in WIE
1. Enter this link to open the Legacy Scan Template:
https://<server name>/WIE/WebConsole/LegacyScanTemplate.aspx
2. Click on "Global Template", name it as "Global Scan template"
3. From Scan Settings, modify what we need, for example:
- Increase the "request timeout" to 300 in Requestor tab.
- Disable "Stop Scan If Loss of Connectivity Detected" in Requestor tab.
4. Click "Finish"
5. Now go back to WebConsole >> Scan Template, we can see the template that we have just created.
6. Start a new Web Site Scan
7. At the Scan Template, choose "Global Scan template".
8. Click on Advance Settings, we can see that all our settings on Requestor tab have been done.