qcsiteadmin_db schema password can't be changed as per described solution

  • KM03445158
  • 28-May-2019
  • 28-May-2019

This document has not been formally reviewed for accuracy and is provided "as is" for your convenience.


steps on how to change qcsiteadmin password


Dear ALM Support,
I tried to change the password for the qcsiteadmin_db schema following this Knowledge Article: https://mysupport.microfocus.com/group/softwaresupport/search-result/-/facetsearch/document/KM00481859
As the script run_after_install.sh is not present I used the script run_configuration.sh
Unfortunately it is not working. I get below error.
Can you tell me, how I can change the siteadmin password instead?
ltqc01:/opt/HP/HP_ALM_Server/ALM # ./run_configuration.sh
Reading configuration from url file:/opt/HP/HP_ALM_Server/ALM/siteadmin.xml
Can't read configuration from URL file:/opt/HP/HP_ALM_Server/ALM/siteadmin.xml:/opt/HP/HP_ALM_Server/ALM/siteadmin.xml (No such file or directory)
2019-05-23 12:07 main WRN com.hp.alm.platform.siteadmin.directory.CSaAbsDirectory Exception was thrown during reading from siteadmin.xml file
Site Admin database not specified at section 'TdSiteAdmin/SiteAdminDb' element 'DbName'.
Reading configuration from url file:/opt/HP/HP_ALM_Server/ALM/siteadmin.xml
Can't read configuration from URL file:/opt/HP/HP_ALM_Server/ALM/siteadmin.xml:/opt/HP/HP_ALM_Server/ALM/siteadmin.xml (No such file or directory)
2019-05-23 12:07 main ERR com.hp.alm.platform.siteadmin.directory.CSaAbsDirectory exception at CSaAbsDirectory::getItems
Failed to read com.hp.alm.platform.siteadmin.directory.CDBFetchers
Running Welcome validation
Validation passed successfully
Running Current Settings validation
Validation passed successfully
Running Database Server validation
Validation passed successfully
Running Site Administration Database Schema validation
Validation passed successfully
Running License Key validation
Validation passed successfully
Running Security validation
Validation passed successfully
Running Site Administrator User validation
Validation passed successfully
Running Application Settings validation
Validation passed successfully
Running File Repository Path validation
Validation passed successfully
Running Installation Summary validation
Validation passed successfully
Running Apply Configuration validation
Validation passed successfully
Running Finish validation
Validation passed successfully
[Progress: 0%]Clearing current environment
[Progress: 0%]Stopping ALM server and deleting folders
[Progress: 0%]
[Progress: 0%]
[Progress: 0%]
[Progress: 0%]
[Progress: 0%]
[Progress: 0%]
[Progress: 0%]
[Progress: 0%]Starting SA server creation
[Progress: 0%]Creating QC folders under application data folder
[Progress: 2%]Replacing strings in scripts and shortcuts
[Progress: 2%]Executing utilities
[Progress: 3%]Getting ready to backup repository
[Progress: 3%]Start initialization
[Progress: 3%]Finish initialization
[Progress: 3%]Shutdown ALM server...
[Progress: 3%]
[Progress: 4%]
[Progress: 5%]
[Progress: 6%]
[Progress: 7%]
[Progress: 8%]
[Progress: 9%]
[Progress: 9%]ALM sever is down
[Progress: 9%]Start to update repository...
[Progress: 10%]
[Progress: 10%]Copy customer data folders to SA repository folder...
[Progress: 10%]Repository update complete.
[Progress: 10%]Start deploy process
[Progress: 10%]Copy war installation folder to ALM Server war temporary folder...
[Progress: 11%]
[Progress: 11%]
[Progress: 12%]
[Progress: 13%]
[Progress: 14%]Extracting java libraries to ALM Server war temporary folder...
[Progress: 14%]Copying documentation to ALM Server war temporary folder...
[Progress: 14%]
[Progress: 15%]
[Progress: 15%]Copy customer war folder to ALM Server war temporary folder...
[Progress: 15%]Zip and deploy ALM Server war file...
[Progress: 15%]Deploy other war files...
[Progress: 15%]Cleaning ALM Server temporary folder...
[Progress: 15%]Deployment process completed successfully.
[Progress: 64%]Getting ready to create/upgrade SA schema
[Progress: 64%]Reading setup properties for Site Admin installation
[Progress: 64%]Verifying Site Admin installation properties
[Progress: 64%]Creating project 'almsiteadmin_125'
[Progress: 64%]Creating database 'almsiteadmin_125'
[Progress: 64%]
Configuration failed
Failed to create/upgrade Site Admin Schema. By default, the output is saved in
<ALM repository path>\\sa\\DomsInfo
\\MaintenanceData\\out on your ALM server machine.:
java.sql.SQLException: [Mercury][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-01920: user name 'ALMSITEADMIN_125' conflicts with another user or role name
at com.mercury.jdbc.oraclebase.ddcr.b(Unknown Source)
at com.mercury.jdbc.oraclebase.ddcr.a(Unknown Source)
at com.mercury.jdbc.oraclebase.ddcq.b(Unknown Source)
at com.mercury.jdbc.oraclebase.ddcq.a(Unknown Source)
at com.mercury.jdbc.oracle.ddam.t(Unknown Source)
at com.mercury.jdbc.oraclebase.dde3.x(Unknown Source)
at com.mercury.jdbc.oraclebase.dde3.t(Unknown Source)
at com.mercury.jdbc.oraclebase.dde3.execute(Unknown Source)
at com.hp.alm.platform.db.convertor.CORACLEDBCreator.createDB(CORACLEDBCreator.java:239)
wrapped in com.hp.alm.platform.exception.CTdException: CORACLEDBCreator : Unable to create database schema 'almsiteadmin_125'
at com.hp.alm.platform.db.convertor.CORACLEDBCreator.createDB(CORACLEDBCreator.java:269)
at com.hp.alm.platform.db.convertor.CDBWriter.load(CDBWriter.java:232)
wrapped in com.hp.alm.platform.exception.CTdException: Can't load database
at com.hp.alm.platform.db.convertor.CDBWriter.load(CDBWriter.java:274)
at com.hp.alm.platform.db.convertor.CDBConvertor.load(CDBConvertor.java:99)
at com.hp.alm.platform.db.convertor.CDBConvertor.load(CDBConvertor.java:147)
at com.hp.alm.platform.db.convertor.CDBConvertor.convertXML2DB(CDBConvertor.java:320)
at com.hp.alm.platform.db.convertor.CDBProject.importProject(CDBProject.java:239)
at com.hp.alm.platform.siteadmin.setup.CSiteAdminInstaller.createProject(CSiteAdminInstaller.java:377)
wrapped in com.hp.alm.platform.exception.CTdException: Failed to create project.
originalProjectName: 'SiteAdminDb_xml'
dbName: 'almsiteadmin_125'
dbUser: 'almsiteadmin_125'
destDir: '/nfs/infra/repository_alm_t_bmwgroup/sa'
deletePrevious: 'false'
copyFS: 'false'
copyOnlyFS: 'false'
at com.hp.alm.platform.siteadmin.setup.CSiteAdminInstaller.createProject(CSiteAdminInstaller.java:385)
at com.hp.alm.platform.siteadmin.setup.CSiteAdminInstaller.createSADatabase(CSiteAdminInstaller.java:980)
at com.hp.alm.platform.siteadmin.setup.CSiteAdminInstaller.load(CSiteAdminInstaller.java:169)
at com.hp.alm.platform.siteadmin.setup.CSiteAdminInstaller.newInstallMain(CSiteAdminInstaller.java:559)
at com.hp.qc.install.setup.QcConfigWorkerTask$7.run(QcConfigWorkerTask.java:251)
at com.hp.qc.install.setup.AbstractWorkerTask$ActualTask.<init>(AbstractWorkerTask.java:138)
at com.hp.qc.install.setup.AbstractWorkerTask$2.construct(AbstractWorkerTask.java:76)
at com.hp.qc.install.setup.SwingWorker$2.run(SwingWorker.java:114)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
ltqc01:/opt/HP/HP_ALM_Server/ALM #
Oscar Santiago


In this case you need to change the password manually as described in the table below , then you will run_configuration.sh
File name File location Changes Screenshots Changes should be done
This files exists in two locations
• Deployment path \\ALM\\application\\20qcbin.war\\WEB-INF
• Deployment path \\ALM\\webapps\\qcbin\\WEB-INF
You will type the new password as a clear text using this format <DefaultUserPassword>TXT:Password</DefaultUserPassword>
For example , if the new password is Rawan then the highlited line should be
qcConfigFile.properties. This file exists in one location but depends on the ALM version
• ALM 12.60 Patch 1 or later: Under /var/opt/Micro Focus/ALM/conf/qcConfigFile.properties.
• ALM 12.60 or earlier: Under /var/opt/HP/ALM/conf/qcConfigFile.properties.

In this file you will do two changes
1. <DefaultUserPassword> TXT:Password </DefaultUserPassword>
2. SaDbAction=connectToExisting
So in other words you will do the following steps
1. Stop the service
2. Go to the locations as mentioned in the table and do the changes
3. run_configuration.sh
4. Strat the service
Please try it and let me know how it goes