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How to install standalone Load Generator (LG) when default password for IUSR_METRO account does not meet password complexity of the host system. Basically this issue occurs when there is a new company or system policy that requires very complex password for user account creation. The issue occurs when adding the SA LG in PC environment.
The IUSR_METRO's default password contradicts the system policy during install of standalone LG and hence the account is not created. This results in remote management service not being installed during the SA LG installation.
Please follow the below steps to install SA LG without the IUSR_METRO creation. The below is an alternative solution to fix the SA LG installation issue due to system policy requirement on password complexity.
Steps to install SA LG using MSBuild command without IUSR_METRO creation:
1) Edit the file: <LG-Installation-path>\dat\Setup\LGSA\MSBuild\HP.PC.PCS.MSBuild.proj
2) Locate the line:
3) Remove the above line.
4) Run the command (adapt any below path if needed):
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319>msbuild.exe "<LG-Installation-path>\dat\Setup\LGSA\MSBuild\HP.PC.PCS.MSBuild.proj" /target:RunBeforeFinish_inMSIInstall > c:\temp\log.txt
5) Provide the c:\temp\log.txt.
6) Add the LG to the PC/ALM.
Steps to follow if MSBuild Failed due to dll reference issue : (Please skip this if the reference issue does not occur in the new machine)
1) Edit the file: <LG-Installation-path>\dat\Setup\LGSA\MSBuild\HP.PC.PCS.MSBuild.Extensions.tasks.proj
2) Locate the line:
3) Replace it with this one:
4) Run the command again:
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319>msbuild.exe "<LG-Installation-path>\dat\Setup\LGSA\MSBuild\HP.PC.PCS.MSBuild.proj" /target:RunBeforeFinish_inMSIInstall > c:\temp\log.txt
Steps to fix the Remote Management Service installation issue:
1) Edit the file: <LG-Installation-path>\dat\Setup\LGSA\MSBuild\HP.PC.PCS.MSBuild.proj
2) Locate the line:
Command='"$(AlagentServiceExe)" -install $(SystemUser) $(SystemPwdDecry)' />
3) Change it to:
Command='"$(AlagentServiceExe)" -install' />
4) Save the file.
5) Rerun the command:
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319>msbuild.exe "<LG-Installation-path>\dat\Setup\LGSA\MSBuild\HP.PC.PCS.MSBuild.proj" /target:RunBeforeFinish_inMSIInstall > c:\temp\log.txt