Error when Finalizing the Installation of HCM 2018.11

  • KM03341883
  • 25-Feb-2019
  • 02-Apr-2021


After successful HCM 2018.11 installation of HCM 2018.11, connecting to HCM portal fails for admin user with: "Invalid user name/password or user account is locked or expired"


After successful HCM 2018.11 installation of HCM 2018.11, connecting to HCM portal  fails for admin user with
    "Invalid user name/password or user account is locked or expired"


issue #1:

After successful HCM 2018.11 installation of HCM 2018.11, connecting to HCM portal fails for admin user with
"Invalid user name/password or user account is locked or expired"


Use the following sql commands to check the admin account :
Select locked_date, locked, * from Database_User where name=''
in this case the account was locked.
Use the following sql commands to unlock the user:
update Database_User set locked_date=null, locked=false, failed_login_counter=0,auto_unlocked_counter=0, enabled=true where locked=true and name='';

Issue #2:

​After unlocking the admin user, user is able to connect to CDF portal and navigate through all the menus/pages.
​However, an issue still existed with connecting  to CSA (https:///CSA url). The connection failed with : "Invalid user name/password or user account is locked or expired"

The following workaround provided to the customer.

With 2018.11 new release:
1- we have a user called “admin” shared between CDF and HCM
2- We have a CDF admin user called “suite_admin”
3- At the installation:
a- Both “suite_admin” and “admin” users have the same password
b- Because the “admin” user is shared between the two modules, its password is stored in the shared IDM database and in other locations (vault)

Tthe problem is likely connected to the fact that the different passwords of “admin”  (mentioned in step 3-b) are no longer in synchronization.
To synchronize them, use the following procedure.
4- Please login into the management portal (https://:5443) using current password of suite_admin.
5- Go to Suite -> Management -> Click 3 dots in extreme right corner -> then click Reconfigure -> then Go to Suite /Login page
6- Change the 'admin' password from this location. The affected pods will be restarted for the password change to take effect
By the end of the procedure, we will end up with the “admin” using having a synchronized password (the one provided in step 6).
This password will be the:
a- The same as the original “suite_admin” password if in setp 6 you specify the same password as the original “suite_admin” user’s one.
b- Different from the original “suite_admin” password if in setp 6 you specify the a password different from the original “suite_admin” user’s one.