ERROR - Failed to deserialize monitor info

  • KM03301746
  • 11-Dec-2018
  • 11-Dec-2018

This document has not been formally reviewed for accuracy and is provided "as is" for your convenience.


The error does not affect RAS (worker’s) functionality. In 10.50, there was a new functionality introduced to monitor RAS : take statistics of CPU and Mem consumption...and this info modeling was wrongly released...but quickly fixed on 10.51.


After applying the hotfix 33999, we saw this odd message in server.log with mis-spelled words – “FREE_MOMORYâ€, “WROKER_IDâ€. It also has “Failed to deserialize monitor infoâ€.
We don’t believe it is a result of the hotfix, as we have seen the messages earlier in the server.log.
2018-11-21 14:37:49,910 [http-nio-8443-exec-3] ( ERROR - Failed to deserialize monitor info
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.InvalidFormatException: Can not construct Map key of type from String "FREE_MOMORY":
at [Source: {"TOTAL_MEMORY":778567680,"FREE_MOMORY":429110480,"OUTBUDDER_SIZE_AVERAGE":0,"INBUFFER_CAPACITY":200,"WROKER_ID":"58d6e072-c361-4df6-996c-1b5630db9cc8","INBUFFER_SIZE_AVERAGE":0,"RUNNING_TASKS_AVERAGE":0,"EXECUTION_THREADS_AMOUNT":20,"MAX_MOMORY":954728448,"MONITOR_START_TIME":1472151969092,"OUTBUFFER_CAPACITY":7500,"MONITOR_END_TIME":1472151973545}; line: 1, column: 26]
Also saw this “Authentication object was not found†once, at startup time, on all three centrals:
2018-11-21 14:29:54,230 [http-nio-8443-exec-7] ( ERROR - An Authentication object was not found in the SecurityContext An Authentication object was not found in the SecurityContext


In 10.50, there was a new functionality introduced to monitor RAS : take statistics of CPU and Mem consumption...and this info modeling was wrongly released...but quickly fixed on 10.51.

Unfortunately, even after upgrade, the wrong JSON format for this monitoring remained, so this is why the fields cannot be populated correctly.

Conclusion – only the RAS monitoring function does not work, but the functionality of RAS itself ( polling messages, execution) , these work fine.

It can be fixed if you manually modify the typos inside the JSON , in the MONITORING_INFO column in OO_WORKERS_MONITOR table.