HPSRC Protal got down for two times

  • KM03293368
  • 27-Nov-2018
  • 27-Nov-2018

This document has not been formally reviewed for accuracy and is provided "as is" for your convenience.


Moreover, due to my experience, this error usually cause by the fluctuation connection between Tomcat, SM server and DB server or network fault. Also if the version of java and host machine mismatch can also lead to the issue (32bit – 64 bit.)


HPSRC Portal link got down for two times. (down on October 8, 2018 and last week.)
Kindly investigate this issue.


the system is fine now
Moreover, due to my experience, this error usually cause by the fluctuation connection between Tomcat, SM server and DB server or network fault.
Also if the version of java and host machine mismatch can also lead to the issue (32bit – 64 bit.)