UCMDB 2018.05/DFP for linux - error when installing DataFlowProbe on UCMDB serve

  • KM03290170
  • 20-Nov-2018
  • 29-Oct-2020


UCMDB 2018.05/DFP for linux - error when installing DataFlowProbe on UCMDB server


UCMDB 2018.05/DFP for linux - error when installing DataFlowProbe on UCMDB server:
Probe PostgreSQL database service starting problem. Database can't be initialized please run createProbeDBs.sh command manually after installation.


As the customer was installing the probe on Linux assigning the right permissions to the user he was logged on while trying to install the probe solved the issue.
The user did not had permissions to write on the TEMP folder so installation was not possible.