T4_DP10.10_After installing DP 10.10 idb, idb-cp and as are services are down

  • KM03288392
  • 16-Nov-2018
  • 16-Nov-2018

Archived Content: This information is no longer maintained and is provided "as is" for your convenience.


The installation failed to create IDB


We have installed the lastest versión of DP (10.10) on a CentOS 7.5 OSWhen we run the services, we get the following error:8<---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[root@DataProtector as]# /etc/init.d/omni start Cannot start "hpdp-idb" service, system error:[2] No existe el fichero o el directorioCannot start "hpdp-idb-cp" service, system error:[2] No existe el fichero o el directorioCannot start "hpdp-as" service, system error:[2] No existe el fichero o el directorio--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->88>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[root@DataProtector sbin]# ./omnisv.sh status ProcName Status [PID]=============================== crs : Active [15835] mmd : Active [15833] kms : Active [15834] hpdp-idb : Down hpdp-idb-cp : Down hpdp-as : Down omnitrig : Active Sending of traps disabled.===============================Status: At least one of the Cell Server processes/services is not running.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->8


Not sure if this is applicable for you:
1- Change locale to utf8. (you can use this article: https://www.rosehosting.com/blog/how-to-set-up-system-locale-on-centos-7/)
2- Ensure that locale and su - hpdp -c 'locale' both indicate utf8
3- Reinstall Data protector
We can also try to avoid uninstalling Data protector using the following procedure (but I prefer the previous one):
1- Change locale to utf8. (you can use this article: https://www.rosehosting.com/blog/how-to-set-up-system-locale-on-centos-7/)
2- Ensure that locale and su - hpdp -c 'locale' both indicate utf8
3- Execute :
4- Update “/etc/opt/omni/client/omni_info” with cs component:
/opt/omni/bin/omnicc -put_component_str cs client/omni_format client/omni_info A.09.00
5- Re-import the Cell Manager host and Installation Server to the cell:
omnicc -import_host
omnicc -import_is