URL monitor errors in 11.51

  • KM03287858
  • 15-Nov-2018
  • 17-Feb-2019

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URL monitor errors in 11.51


After upgrading to 11.51, URL monitors are receiving the following error: 
Status Summary: Internal error: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.commons.httpclient.ContentLengthInputStream.(Ljava/io/InputStream;J)V2018-10-29 06:33:00,635 [test.org(1950468585/1) ] (ApacheHttpUtils.java:501) ERROR - problem while sending data to URL: https://test.org error: URL: https://test.org, host: test.org, port: 80, UsingProxy: false, isHTTPS(SSL): true, org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpRecoverableException: java.net.SocketException: Connection reset, currentRetry: 02018-10-29 08:00:22,023 [1 - Broker Health Check(1950471952/1) ] (ApacheHttpUtils.java:501) ERROR - problem while sending data to URL: http://test/Healthcheck error: URL: http://test:7080/soap/Healthcheck, host: test, port: 7080, UsingProxy: false, isHTTPS(SSL): false, java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: connect, currentRetry: 0


Please reinstall version 11.50 and then 11.51.