Archived Content: This information is no longer maintained and is provided "as is" for your convenience.
Error below is being encountered in error.log in SiteScope althouth monitor is running fine.
ERROR - Dependency exception, cannot delete current entity due to dependencies found upon it, details: The entity is referenced by Groups: /Monitors/Applications/BCC Infra - ESXi/Ping Monitoring/Ping monitoring on
2018-10-29 14:17:37,438 [ImportTimer] ( ERROR - Commit verification failed due to:
2018-10-29 14:17:37,438 [ImportTimer] ( ERROR - Dependency exception, cannot delete current entity due to dependencies found upon it, details: The entity is referenced by Groups:
/Monitors/Applications/BCC Infra - ESXi/Ping Monitoring/Ping monitoring on <servername>;
Please remove this reference before deleting current entity
2018-10-29 14:20:37,442 [ImportTimer] ( ERROR - Failed to remove MDW template. Threfore import of new MDW template is ignored. Please, remove old MDW templates and tags manually.
This error has already recorded in our database issue when you import Sitescope configuration from old version to new version.
The issue has already resolved by SiteScope itself.