[OO-10.80][POSTGRESQL] Purge Debug Events don't release any space disk

  • KM03268522
  • 15-Oct-2018
  • 15-Oct-2018

This document has not been formally reviewed for accuracy and is provided "as is" for your convenience.


OO "database health" graphics is not refershed with new data


Could not retrieve data from the database: StatementCallback; bad SQL grammar [SELECT * FROM (SELECT Q1."TYPE", SUM(Q1."SIZE") AS "SIZE" FROM (SELECT CASE UPPER(tablename) WHEN 'OO_EXECUTION_SUMMARY' THEN 'E' WHEN 'OO_STEP_LOG_STARTED' THEN 'E' WHEN 'OO_STEP_LOG_ENDED' THEN 'E' WHEN 'OO_STEP_LOG_BINDINGS' THEN 'E' WHEN 'OO_EXECUTION_BOUND_OUTPUTS' THEN 'E' WHEN 'OO_EXECUTION_BOUND_INPUTS' THEN 'E' WHEN 'OO_DEBUGGER_EVENTS' THEN 'D' WHEN 'OO_AUDIT' THEN 'A' WHEN 'OO_STEP_EXEC_DATA' THEN 'R'  END AS "TYPE", floor(sum(pg_total_relation_size(tablename::regclass::oid))/1048576) AS "SIZE" FROM pg_tables WHERE LOWER(schemaname) NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') AND UPPER(tablename) IN ('OO_EXECUTION_SUMMARY','OO_STEP_LOG_STARTED','OO_STEP_LOG_ENDED','OO_STEP_LOG_BINDINGS','OO_EXECUTION_BOUND_OUTPUTS','OO_EXECUTION_BOUND_INPUTS','OO_DEBUGGER_EVENTS','OO_AUDIT','OO_STEP_EXEC_DATA') GROUP BY tablename) AS Q1 GROUP BY "TYPE") AS Q2 UNION ALL SELECT 'O' AS "TYPE", ceil(sum(pg_total_relation_size(tablename::regclass::oid))/1048576) AS "SIZE" FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') ORDER BY "TYPE" ASC];
nested exception is org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: relation "sl_strtd_stps" does not exist


The following tables are temporary tables has been left by other actions :
"pg_temp_3" "sl_strtd_stps" "postgres" false false false false
"pg_temp_3" "st_hash_ids" "postgres" false false false false
"pg_temp_3" "st_ended_ids" "postgres" false false false false
"pg_temp_3" "arbitrary_ids" "postgres" false false false false
"pg_temp_3" "arbitrary_ids_compact" "postgres" false false false false
Removing these tables helped to fix the problem