Projection cannot be dropped because K-safety would be violated - Error Code: 44

  • KM03253940
  • 26-Sep-2018
  • 26-Sep-2018

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cannot be dropped because K-safety would be violated


[Error Code: 4455, SQL State: 55006] [Vertica][VJDBC](4455) ROLLBACK: Projection PROJ_TABLE_b0 cannot be dropped because K-safety would be violated
[Vertica][VJDBC]Detail: Current K-safety value = 1


You cannot drop one of the projections of the pair because the other projection of the pair would not have a buddy for a K=1 cluster. The solution is to drop both at once so that the projections always remain k-safe with proper buddies.

drop projection salesforce_b0, salesforce_b1;