How to send the values of a calculated metric to OMi as event using the event mapping settings and tags.
You can try to configure a calculated metric in order to define/customize the information that you want to send in the event.
You'll need to create the metric and define the information on the Event mapping template.
For example (Using a CPU monitor):
Below you'll find a new counter that I create using a calculated metric, the name of the counter is "Testing":
On the Calculated metric settings, please create the following expression to display just the value for the "utilization" counter:
Expression: <<utilization>>.valueOf()
After difine the metric, you'll need to play with the following tags for every calculated metric :
Use these tags: <calculatedCounterValue1>, <calculatedCounterValue2>, etc . This according with the amount of entries that you create.
You'll need to place the information on the Event mapping configuration in order to send the metric:
I will use <calculatedCounterValue1> for the "Testing" counter (calculated metric) on the event mapping configuration:
Note: For this tag, you'll need to add extra "<" and ">" , on the tag property.
After follow the above procedure you'll receive the information on the title of the event: