This document has not been formally reviewed for accuracy and is provided "as is" for your convenience.
alter resource pool wosdata MEMORYSIZE '4G' MAXMEMORYSIZE '4G';
ERROR 3911: maxMemorySize for wosdata can be changed only when the user WOS is empty
HINT: Do a moveout and select * from wos_container_storage to confirm
ERROR 3911: maxMemorySize for wosdata can be changed only when the user WOS is empty
HINT: Do a moveout and select * from wos_container_storage to confirm
ERROR 3911: maxMemorySize for wosdata can be changed only when the user WOS is empty
HINT: Do a moveout and select * from wos_container_storage to confirm
--step 1: -- (save this value)
select GET_CONFIG_PARAMETER('MaxClientSessions') ;
--step 2:
select SET_CONFIG_PARAMETER('MaxClientSessions',0) ;
--step 3: -- (if there is no potential sessions/feeds running then proceed with next step)
select node_name ,user_name,client_pid,session_id,client_label,transaction_id ,statement_start ,statement_id from sessions where statement_id is not null;
--step 4:
Select close_all_sessions();
--step 5:
Select do_tm_task('moveout') ;
--step 6: --verify is there any tm operation still running
select session_id, operation_status, table_schema, projection_name, ros_count, plan_type, operation_start_timestamp from tuple_mover_operations where is_executing;
--step 7; verify the wos storage
select * from wos_container_storage ;
--step 8: --verify again for any active sessions.
select node_name ,user_name,client_pid,session_id,client_label,transaction_id ,statement_start ,statement_id from sessions where statement_id is not null;
--step 9: --if everything is fine, then execute the below command (Note that maxmemorysize should not be greater than 75% total memory)
alter resource pool wosdata MEMORYSIZE '4G' MAXMEMORYSIZE '4G';
--step 10: --Set back the Maxclient value taken in step 1
select SET_CONFIG_PARAMETER('MaxClientSessions',<original max session value>) ;