Unable to upload file to ArcMC

  • KM03234184
  • 27-Aug-2018
  • 27-Jan-2021

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KM03773341 Error "The file specified is too large (1000 MB maximum)" can be worked around by modifying a parameter in logger.defaults.properties


Unable to upload file to ArcMC, getting an error The file specified is too large (1000 MB maximum)


1. Modify the logger.defaults.propertiesfile located at
 <ARCMCHOME>/current/arcsight/arcmc/config/logger/logger.defaults.properties (software)
 /opt/arcsight/arcmc/config/logger/logger.defaults.properties (appliances)
 to increase the connectorappliance.upgrade.upload.max
2. Reboot ArcMC
3. Try to uploadthe ENC file again
This is also explained in ArcMC 2.9.3 Release Notes.