UCMDB Discovery of IBM application - specifically - IBM WebSphere application server version 9.0

  • KM03222241
  • 08-Aug-2018
  • 23-Aug-2018


Customer wanted to know the Supportability for WAS 9


UCMDB Discovery of IBM application - specifically - IBM WebSphere application server version 9.0
UCMDB 10.22 CP23 is the product
OS is - Windows 2008 Enterprise Edition


on the 10.32 version for UCMDB they added supportability for the WAS 9. We can discover it on 10.22 because UCMDB disguises it as a CI, but full discovery was not enabled until the release of 10.32. We might get the version if we upgrade to 10.32. Please check the attached image. Also, you can check the full changes on 10.32 here: https://docs.microfocus.com/UCMDB/10.32/ucmdb-docs/docs/eng/doc_lib/Content/Home/Whats_New.htm