PC Scenario throws error if monitor profile added is no longer available at Resources

  • KM03205998
  • 19-Jul-2018
  • 19-Jul-2018


We got an error message if we add a monitor to the scenario and it is not longer available as a monitor profile in Resources


We can see this error message from the logs:

[server_title_string]:Index: 0, Size: 0
[client_requiest_info]:The requested uri was: http://xx.xx.xx.xx:8080/qcbin/rest/domains/xxxx/projects/xxxx/tests/1/assets-relations?page-size=2000&start-index=1&query={to-endpoint-type[RESOURCE]}&fields=to-endpoint-id,the method was: GET,the content type was: application/atom+xml
Printing data members end:
PCRemoteException output END


The Monitor Profile is not longer available at Resources


There are a Workaround and a fix for it:



1. We can click on Edit Test (either we get the error and we can edit it)

2. Monitor tab (monitor name appears in red), we should be able to delete it

3.  Then Save, and the test should work fine



1. Download the attached file HP.PC.BL.QC.zip

2. Place it in PCWEB\bin after doing a backup for the one from your environment