10.8 enviornment getting errors in the logs

  • KM03203457
  • 16-Jul-2018
  • 30-Apr-2021


The error "ERROR - error in fetching flow info (uuid,name,path,version) for flow (UUID)" comes from this code.


Microfocus 10.8 enviornment getting the below errors in the logs while the flows are running fine,

Log File: ERROR - error in fetching flow info

Content we are matching on: /(ERROR - error in fetching flow info)/i
Group: Application
Status: 11 matches, 0.18333 matches/min, 0.21667 log entries/min
Matched Log Entries:
2018-03-15 09:16:16,991 [http-nio-80-exec-6] (PASFlowDataServiceImpl.java:101) ERROR - error in fetching flow info (uuid,name,path,version) for flow (UUID)
2018-03-15 09:16:16,994 [http-nio-80-exec-6] (PASFlowDataServiceImpl.java:101) ERROR - error in fetching flow info (uuid,name,path,version) for flow (UUID)
2018-03-15 09:16:16,998 [http-nio-80-exec-6] (PASFlowDataServiceImpl.java:101) ERROR - error in fetching flow info (uuid,name,path,version) for flow (UUID)
2018-03-15 09:16:17,001 [http-nio-80-exec-6] (PASFlowDataServiceImpl.java:101) ERROR - error in fetching flow info (uuid,name,path,version) for flow (UUID)
2018-03-15 09:16:17,004 [http-nio-80-exec-6] (PASFlowDataServiceImpl.java:101) ERROR - error in fetching flow info (uuid,name,path,version) for flow (UUID)
2018-03-15 09:16:17,008 [http-nio-80-exec-6] (PASFlowDataServiceImpl.java:101) ERROR - error in fetching flow info (uuid,name,path,version) for flow (UUID)
SiteScope character output limited by _logMonitorDetailsMax=1000 defined in groups/master.config file.


Error comes from this code:
if (deployedEntityBL == null
deployedEntityBL.getUuid() == null
deployedEntityBL.getName() == null
deployedEntityBL.getPath() == null
deployedEntityBL.getCpVersion() == null) {
logger.error("error in fetching flow info (uuid,name,path,version) for flow " + uuid);

It means when a flow is trigger through PAS API(external) one of the properties in if does not exist. Basically flow is not deployed, or it is an operation or the name/path is empty or that flow UUID (or dependency=subflow or configuration item)is not part of a deployed CP.
So nothing wrong cannot be observed because that external trigger it is not triggered.