BVD 10.12 Backup/Restore Guide

  • KM03201115
  • 11-Jul-2018
  • 11-Jul-2018


This guide only describes the backup and restore of BVD 10.12 with the following conditions: OS: Windows Database: Embedded PostgreSQL Installation Type: Single Node


  1. Backup BVD data
Backup the directories
  • config
  • Redis
located inside the BVD data directory to a new location. The BVD data directorys default location is
C:\ProgramData\Hewlett Packard Enterprise\BVD
  1. Backup server properties
Backup the file
  • dashboard\
located inside the BVD installation directory to a new location. The BVD installation directorys default location is
C:\Program Files\Hewlett Packard Enterprise\BVD
  1. Backup the PostgreSQL database
"C:\Program Files\Hewlett Packard Enterprise\BVD\pgsql\bin\pg_dump.exe" -U pg_user bvd > dump.sql
Replace pg_user with the name of the PostgreSQL user as endered during configuration of BVD. This command will also prompt for its password. Backup the file dump.sql afterwards.


On the node where you want to restore BVD, perform the following steps:
  1. Install BVD
Install BVD 10.12 as described in the documentation.
Install the same hotfixes as are installed on the backup node
  1. Configure BVD
Run the BVD configuration as described in the documentation. Use the same parameters as on the backup node.
  1. Stop BVD
Open a console window and issue the following command:
ovc -stop BVD
  1. Restore BVD data
Restore the directories
  • config
  • Redis
located inside the BVD data directory from the backup. Make sure to overwrite all existing files. The BVD data directorys default location is
C:\ProgramData\Hewlett Packard Enterprise\BVD
  1. Restore server properties
Restore the file
  • dashboard\
located inside the BVD installation directory from the backup. The BVD installation directorys default location is
C:\Program Files\Hewlett Packard Enterprise\BVD
  1. Start PostgreSQL
Open a console window and issue the following command:
ovc -start BVD
  1. Delete existing database tables
"C:\Program Files\Hewlett Packard Enterprise\BVD\pgsql\bin\psql.exe" -U pg_user bvd
Replace pg_user with the name of the PostgreSQL user as endered during configuration of BVD. This command will also prompt for its password.
Enter the following SQL queries at the prompt:
drop table if exists "migrations" cascade;
drop table if exists "migrations_lock" cascade;
drop table if exists "bvdUsersToUserGroups" cascade;
drop table if exists "bvdUsers" cascade;
drop table if exists "bvdUsersToRoles" cascade;
drop table if exists "bvdRoles" cascade;
drop table if exists "bvdUserGroupsToRoles" cascade;
drop table if exists "bvdLdapServerConfigurations" cascade;
drop table if exists "bvdUserGroups" cascade;
drop table if exists "bvdLdapGroupToUserGroup" cascade;
drop table if exists "dataItems" cascade;
drop table if exists "filters" cascade;
drop table if exists "bvdTenants" cascade;
drop table if exists "dashboardCategories" cascade;
drop table if exists "dashboardsToCategories" cascade;
drop table if exists "dashboards" cascade;
drop table if exists "bvdNodes" cascade;
drop table if exists "bvdSettings" cascade;
Enter "\q" to exit the psql tool.
  1. Restore the database dump
"C:\Program Files\Hewlett Packard Enterprise\BVD\pgsql\bin\psql.exe" -U pg_admin bvd < dump.sql
Replace pg_user with the name of the PostgreSQL user as endered during configuration of BVD. This command will also prompt for its password.
Ignore the following errors and warnings in the output:
ERROR:  must be owner of extension plpgsql
WARNING:  no privileges could be revoked for "public"
WARNING:  no privileges were granted for "public"
  1. Start BVD
Open a console window and issue the following command:
ovc -start BVD