SMA-SM 2017.11 pod smarta-ss-community-xxx status is CrashLoopBackOff

  • KM03197365
  • 05-Jul-2018
  • 09-Jul-2018


SMA-SM 2017.11 pod smarta-ss-community-xxx status is CrashLoopBackOff


The pod smarta-ss-community-xxx status is CrashLoopBackOff


This issue caused by the data file of smarta was damaged. since the data of samrta was stored in the file system of NFS, so if there is a machine shutdown suddendly, the data might be break.

The solution is remove the broken data file, and restart the pod. The new data file will be generated during the restart.



1.Check the deployment which Available is 0

kubectl get deployment -n itsma2

We could see 4 deployments have issue, they are:





Check Deployment.jpg

2. Scale deployment, set replicas to 0

kubectl scale deployment smarta-ss-con-1b --replicas=0 -n itsma2

3. Check the pods status

kubectl get pods --all-namespaces --show-all -o wide

grep smarta

We see the pod smarta-ss-con-1b is Terminating, wait until it terminated.

4. backup old content1b folder

cd /var/vols/itom/itsma/itsma-itsma1-smartanalytics/data/idol/ss/

mv content1b content1bbak

5. Scale deployment, set replicas to 1

kubectl scale deployment smarta-ss-con-1b --replicas=1 -n itsma2

6. restart pod smarta-ss-community

kubectl delete pod smarta-ss-community-* -n itsma2

7. Check the pods status

kubectl get pods --all-namespaces --show-all -o wide

grep smarta

The pod is smarta-ss-community-xxx is Running, but there are 2 pods the container is not up, they are



8. Scale above 2 deployments, set replicas to 0, pods would get terminated

kubectl scale deployment smarta-smap-con-1b --replicas=0 -n itsma2

kubectl scale deployment smarta-smap-qms --replicas=0 -n itsma2

Replicas Set to 0.jpg


9. backup old content1b folder

cd /var/vols/itom/itsma/itsma-itsma1-smartanalytics/data/idol/smsp/

mv content1b content1bbak

10. Scale above 2 deployment, set replicas to 1

kubectl scale deployment smarta-smap-con-1b --replicas=1 -n itsma2

kubectl scale deployment smarta-smap-qms --replicas=1 -n itsma2

11. Wait some time, all smarta pods are Running correctly.