SMA-X 2018.05_Authentication Configuration with Embedded OpenLDAP

  • KM03190641
  • 28-Jun-2018
  • 28-Jun-2018


SMA-X 2018.05_Authentication Configuration with Embedded OpenLDAP


Background Knowledge:
The suite uses Identity Manager (IdM) for user authentication. So does Service Portal, which shares the same IdM instance with the suite.
You need to define LDAP connection in IDM before synchronizing users into ITSMA.
Configure the embedded OpenLDAP in SMA-X Account Authentication for demo purpose.
Note: embedded OpenLDAP use uid as login name. For example, login name falcon, password 123456.


Please refer to the attachment below for detail

SMA-X 2018.05_Authentication Configuration with Embedded OpenLDAP

The attached document is verified with SMA-SM 2018.05