Is UD 10.30 and above all the tables got composite index created ?

  • KM03172447
  • 05-Jun-2018
  • 05-Jun-2018


When we perform a fresh install of the UCMDB 10.30 (or later), by default there are no composite indexes with the CMDB_ID as a key column . If required then we need to create it from JMX console.


When we  perform a fresh install of the UCMDB 10.30 (or later), by default we dont see any composite indices with UD tables.


When we  perform a fresh install of the UCMDB 10.30 (or later), by default there are no
composite indexes with the CMDB_ID as a key column on Oracle database (ROOT tables),
and on Microsoft SQL databases (ROOT and CDM tables). If it is required to create the composite indexes
we need to create the same as per the requirement.
This is expected behavior by default it is not created. If required then we need to create it from JMX console.


To create/delete  composite indexes, we can follow the below procedure.
1.     On the UCMDB server, launch the Web browser and enter the following address:
2. Locate UCMDB:service=Dal Services->modifyCompositeIndexes 
3. Specify the following parameters of the method:
             customerId             : Specify the Customer ID (leave empty for the default customer)
             class name             : Specify the class name (allowed values are root and all)
             composite indexes: Specify if the method rebuilds the indexes with CMDB_ID as a key column
                                   True   : CMDB_ID is a key column
                                   False  : CMDB_ID is not a key column
4. Click Invoke.