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APM service issue
We have APM 9.30 installed. Recently, some services never come up and showing stauts stopped after reboot.Includinig KPI_ENRICHMENT and LIV_SERVICE. We try to reinstall APM, and upgrade to 9.40 to solve this problem. But the issue still exists. KPI_ENRICHMENT and LIV_SERVICE keep stopped. Please help us solve this problem, thanks.
1. Connect to RTSM Schema2. select * from URM_RESOURCES where TYPE like '%LDAP%'PzUto6wA3MFyt5ckpxFD7A== true true 5 1 true false false 3. Replace ldapURL with string with “UCMDB” like UCMDB 4. run the following query:update urm_resources set text_data ='UCMDB true true 5 1 true false false ' where TYPE like '%LDAP%' ;5. Restart DPS6. ODB service should be up this time7. Change the masterkey from UCMDB JMX8. masterkey should be encrypted and inserted into management db properties table .(R&D required.)update properties set value ‘%ENCRYPTED_MASTERKEY' where namespace = ‘RTSM’ and NAME = ‘Master Key’;9. stop the BSM server.10. run config server wizard.11. Start the BSM server