How to list the kmgroup operators of the last kmcategory in path for kmdocument assignedEditor, not include the kmgroup operators of the parent kmcategory.
In an OOTB SM 9.52 environment, you could take extra configuration in order to set assignedEditor from kmgroup‘s operator when kmprofile is KCS I Editor, please refer to KM03139491 for detail.
Click on the fill button for the field assignedEditor after submit knowledge, you would get the Sysadmin, KMAdmin operators and the kmgroup operators in all kmcategory selected (include the parent kmcategory and the last kmcategory)
If you only want to list the operators in the last kmcategory, there is a workaround provided base on the OOTB sl KMChangeManagement.
Backup OOTB sl KMChangeManagement to KMChangeManagement_OOB, and update KMChangeManagement as below
1. Search
rc =admins.doSelect("cap.exec = \"SysAdmin\" or cap.exec = \"KMAdmin\"");
Update to
//rc = admins.doSelect( "cap.exec = \"SysAdmin\" or cap.exec = \"KMAdmin\"");
2. Replace OOB line 263, 264,265,266 of below
if(whereClause =="")
whereClause +=" and (id = \""+ splitArray[splitIndex]+"\"";
whereClause +=" or id = \""+ splitArray[splitIndex]+"\"";
Update to
if(whereClause =="")
if(splitIndex == splitArray.length-1)
whereClause +=" and (id = \""+ splitArray[splitIndex]+"\"";
if(splitIndex == splitArray.length-1)
whereClause +=" or id = \""+ splitArray[splitIndex]+"\"";
3. Click Save and Compile, and check the result with one kmdocument record