How to set assignedEditor from kmgroup‘s operator when kmprofile is KCS I Editor

  • KM03139491
  • 09-Apr-2018
  • 09-Apr-2018


In an OOTB environment, a kmcategory Permissions select a kmgroup and KCS I Editor kmprofile, the kmgroup operators is not in the list of assignedEditor, extra configuration is needed.


KM Document Categories (table kmcategory) could define Knowledge Groups (table kmgroup) and Profiles (table kmprofile) in Permissions tab.
Different Knowledge Groups could have different operator records.

In an OOTB SM 9.52 environment, a kmcategory Permissions select a kmgroup and KCS I Editor kmprofile, the kmgroup operators is not in the list of assignedEditor, extra configuration is needed.

The document is to describe the extra configuration in order to inlclude the operators in kmgroup. There is no existing document at SM help center.




1. Add KM Document Categories

1.1 login as falcon/KM ADM, go to System Navigator > Knowledge Management > Configuration > KM Document Categories

1.2 Click “New”, then “Add” and enter “Database” in field “Current category” followed by “Save”

1.3 Click “New” and enter “SAP” in field “Current category” followed by “Save”

1.4 Select “Database” in field “Path to current category”

1.5 Click “New” and enter “NonSAP” in field “Current category” followed by “Save”


2 Now, create two KM groups

2.1 go to System Navigator > Knowledge Management > Administration > Knowledge Groups

2.2 Enter “DATABASE.KCSIEditor” and add two specific users to it.

2.3 Click “Add+” and “Ok”

2.4 Enter “DATABASE.SAP.KCSIEditor” and add two (other than above!) specific users to it.

2.5 Click “Add+” and “Ok”


3. The KM Groups needs to be assigned to the categories

3.1 go to System Navigator > Knowledge Management > Configuration > KM Document Categories

3.2 Search and select for category “Database” from “Top-level categories”

3.3 Next, click “Details” button.

3.4 Select tab “Permissions”

3.5 Click “New”

3.6 Select “DATABASE.KCSIEditor” and profile “KCS I Editor

Note: The KM group with profile are assigned to KM category “Database”.

3.7 Click “Ok”

3.8 Search and select for category “Database” from “Top-level categories”

3.9 Next, click “Details” button.

3.10 Select subcategory “SAP”

3.11 Next, click “Details” button.

3.12 Select tab “Permissions”

3.13 Click “New”

3.14 Select “DATABASE.SAP.KCSIEditor” and profile “KCS I Editor

Note: The KM group with profile are assigned to KM subcategory “SAP” of top category “Database”.

3.15 Click “Ok”


4. Now, create a Knowledge Document to verify

4.1 go to System Navigator > Knowledge Management > Contribute Knowledge

4.2 Select “Reference” as Document Type

4.3 Add a (test) title and text to reference field.

4.4 Select tab “Categorization /Flags”

4.5 Click “Add”

4.6 Select category “Database” > “SAP”

4.7 Click “Submit” (KM Document moves from phase “Draft” to “Triage”)

Note: Now the fields “Document Owner” and “assigned Editor” are available

4.8 Click on the fill button next to the Assigned Editor field

Actual result: The OOTB SysAdmin and KMAdmin operators are in the list.

Expected result: kmgroup DATABASE.KCSIEditor and DATABASE.SAP.KCSIEditor operators should be included in the list too


5. Extra configurations
5.1 to System Navigator > Knowledge Management > Administration > Profiles, and search the profile “KCS I Editor”
5.2. Select tab "KCS II", check "Publish a working copy document internally", and click Save.
5.3. Repeat step 4 to verify
Result: the operators of related kmgroup and operators whose Execute Capabilities include SysAdmin and KMAdmin are in the list.

Customer is able to set the assignedEditor according to category path even there are duplicate category names under different category path