Host credentials are asked for each client during remote upgrade/installation

  • KM03132783
  • 29-Mar-2018
  • 29-Mar-2018


Host credentials are required for each windows client (multiple selected) during remote upgrade/installation


Host credentials are required for each windows client (multiple selected) during remote upgrade/installation


It was identified that the Data Protector documentation needs to be modified to reflect properly the required conditions, when credentials are cached. 

The 4 conditions to be met are:


- omniinet service on the installation server to be running under LocalSystem account

- a domain administrator account to be added to the omniinetpasswd impersonation list for usage of the Installation Server

- the Data Protector user Interface to be started with a domain administrator account

- the windows client that will be upgraded/installed to be in the same domain, where the aforementioned account is administrator