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Cannot see some buttons on GUI (on Internet Explorer works fine)
Every newly added admin user cannot work with the Scheduler. Cannot see some buttons (for example edit, delete, ...). Only installation user can set schedule. Maybe problem is the console font ;). I have screenshots.
Cannot see some buttons on GUI (on Internet Explorer works fine)
1. Close all instances of Microsoft Internet Explorer.
2. Navigate to Windows Start menu, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Server Manager.
3. Under Security Information, click Configure IE ECS.
4. Under Administrators, click Off.
5. Under Users, click Off.
6. Click OK.
IE Cache was cleared and then the issue got fixed for a while but:
"if I start Home in Explorer and after that start DP GUI, but if I close the explorer problem is active again."
Change the Internet options:
Advanced settings
uncheck the option "Do not save encrypted pages to disk"
Cannot see some buttons on GUI (on Internet Explorer works fine)
1. Close all instances of Microsoft Internet Explorer.
2. Navigate to Windows Start menu, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Server Manager.
3. Under Security Information, click Configure IE ECS.
4. Under Administrators, click Off.
5. Under Users, click Off.
6. Click OK.
IE Cache was cleared and then the issue got fixed for a while but:
"if I start Home in Explorer and after that start DP GUI, but if I close the explorer problem is active again."
Change the Internet options:
Advanced settings
uncheck the option "Do not save encrypted pages to disk"