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DP10.02 running on Windows 2008 R2.
When using an absolute path instad of debug.txt as debug file name in Scheduler it is properly configured and executed, but opening the defined schedule shows the debug option as disabled.
DP 10.02 running on Windows 2008 R2.
Using absolute path for debug file name in Scheduler broken
When using an absolute path instad of debug.txt as debug file name in Scheduler it is properly configured and executed, but opening the defined schedule shows the debug option as disabled.
How to reproduce:
1. Create a directory (e.g. C:\\Temp) to store the debug files
2. Create a backup spec
3. Create a schedule and enable the Debug option, specify C:\\Temp\\Scheduler.txt as Debug File Name
4. Wait for the schedule to execute and check C:\\Temp for created files
5. Try to modify the schedule and disable the debug option=> it is diplayed as already disabled, seems it fails to fetch the absolute path from JCE
This issue will be solved in DP10.03