Central won't start after installation

  • KM03116547
  • 12-Mar-2018
  • 12-Mar-2018

This document has not been formally reviewed for accuracy and is provided "as is" for your convenience.


After install central the error below appears 2018-03-09 13:37:48,520 [ERROR] Unable to start central


Customer installed OO Central on a Windows Server 2012 and the only item that failed is the "start central", although the service is running. These are the important lines in the installer.log file:
2018-03-09 13:37:48,020 [INFO ] http connection test result: TestResult{httpStatus=404, message='No Encontrado'}
2018-03-09 13:37:48,520 [ERROR] Unable to start central
2018-03-09 13:37:48,520 [INFO ] finished task: Start Central, result: Start Central: failure Unable to start central


The issue is occurring cause there are missing tables into OO database, into the execution.log you will find error about missing tables.

I suggested to the customer re-install OO creating the database schema manually, after that the issue was resolved.