Mount Request for StoreOnce media in DP 10.02

  • KM03114178
  • 08-Mar-2018
  • 08-Mar-2018


Mount requests by RMA is seen in copy jobs containing objects from multiple StoreOnce devices(libraries)


Copy jobs with filter including objects from multiple source Storeonce devices are issuing mount request for RMA: 
[Warning] From: CSM@hostname "StoreOnce2_gw1 [GW 3352:0:8553362426116022565]" Time: 2/12/2018 11:07:53 AM
Mount request for medium:
MediumId : 13061fd9:5a8156d0:2410:0007
Label : StoreOnce1_MediaPool_2
Location :
Device : StoreOnce2_gw1 [GW 3352:0:8553362426116022565]
Host : hostname
Slot : 13061fd9_5a815259_2410_0003


t's trying to load media from device StoreOnce1 in gateway of device StoreOnce2 due to a defect in objects assignment


HF QCCR2A78222 is addressing this issue