How to access cell values from SAP HANA tables, when the columns are in RAW format.

  • KM03108830
  • 02-Mar-2018
  • 02-Mar-2018

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The article describe how to fletch cells values from SAP HANA tables, when colums are in RAW format


It is possible that sometimes the columns in the SAP HANA tables contain data in RAW format. When using Unified Functional Testing (UFT) to automate such tables, those values cannot be accessed properly by UFT, because UFT will see the data in the cell as Array of Bytes.


In order to get the values from such cells, you may try to use the following script:
“Select Cast ( COLUMNAME as Varchar(100) ) from TABLENAME where cond...”  
-COLUMNAME - should be replaced by the name of the Column that is in RAW format
-TABLENAME- should be replaced by the name of the Table that has the column in RAW format
By using Cast method you actually convert the values in readable formats. More details can be found here: