Patch bundle installation on Linux CM failing with error: skipping CS_Patch componenet

  • KM03107052
  • 28-Feb-2018
  • 29-Oct-2018


Initial patch bundle installation on Linux Cell Manager fails.


running ./ -bundleadd is skipping the CS_Patch componenet and failing with error message:


Installing DPLNX_20201.rpm ...

Preparing... ########################################### [100%]

ERROR: Please make sure that there are no running

Data Protector processes and repeat the installation.

error: %pre(CS_Patch-A.09.00-14.x86_64) scriptlet failed, exit status 3

error: install: %pre scriptlet failed (2), skipping CS_Patch-A.09.00-14



Installation of patch DPLNX_20201.rpm failed.

You can continue(C) or rollback(R) or exit(E) the installation.

Continue - will install the rest of the patches from the bundle.

Rollback - will rollback the installed patches from the bundle

to the MR level.

Exit - Will exit the installation. Installing the bundle

again will install the rest of the patches.

Please enter the option (C/R/E)


Initial patch bundle installation on Linux Cell Manager fails, due to:

- some DP processes were still running

- some DP processes were hanging

- CM was not disconnected from all GUI

When ./ -bundleadd was executed.




NOTE : Following procedure shall work, however it is not guaranteed that the patch will be uninstallable, as we don’t know what files the patch install will pack. For the example we use

Data Protector 9.09 for Linux/64 (DPLNXBDL_00909).



1)      Stop DP services (when no sessions running)

2)      Make sure NO DP processes remained running

3)      Please make a copy of file : /opt/omni/.b909_Patch

4)      Open this file in editor, and remove line :


5)      Re-run the installer : ./ -bundleadd b909 -CM -IS