SM 9.52 SRC : Browse Catalog button is too small how to make it more prominent

  • KM03095304
  • 15-Feb-2018
  • 15-Feb-2018


This document will provide details on how make the Browse Catalog button prominent


In SM 9.x SRC the font size of Browse Catalog button is small and cannot be customized as the font size has been fixed in style.swf file in <SRC_Root_Folder>\src\secure\configuration\default> 

image text 



There is already existing Enhancement Request, QCCR1E95843 SRC Browse Catalog button is too small and cannot be customized 

One possible workaround is to customize the label "Browse Catalog"

We can customize the name and make it ALL CAPS like below which does makes it more prominent.

The following user interface labels can be customized in SRC client customization file, which you can find in the following default location:

1. In the file, add the following UI text label key: = BROWSE CATALOG FOR SRC

2. Restart the Service Request Catalog service.

You Service Request Catalog should appear as follows

image text