After tested the integration, we found a 401 error code along the fcmdb.push.all.log. Re-configured the integration job, and redefined the OOTB query itself to limit CI's to 5. Still failing with 401 error.
Based on SNOW doc ( ) that refers to a no-authorized user for API. Since integration is using REST API , calls were blocked.
An expert from SNOW helped us to understand and troubleshoot this problem: a table {u_ucmdb_windows_server_inbound_services} did not have enough permissions to receive data from UCMDB. So person added them and fix that part from sSNOW, and that did the trick...We have now 5 Cis pushed to SNOW, sucessfully.
Now they performed a push with 18365 CI’s, they were Pushed into ServiceNow with sucess status.
So it is important to double check:
1. RestAPI is correctly configured
2. Table exits defineded from the file from adapter (UCMDB side, in this case we needed to create it)
3. Once step 3, SNOW must has enough user account permissions to work in the specific tables (in this case was u_ucmdb_windows_server_inbound_services)