There are problems to start SA since the agent was removed by mistake and there is no a snapshot of the server to rollback.

  • KM03087780
  • 05-Feb-2018
  • 09-Apr-2021

Archived Content: This information is no longer maintained and is provided "as is" for your convenience.


The Server Automation agent for the core server itself was deleted. Article is being retired due to not being relevant for newer versions of SA.


Server Automation will not start properly on the SA core server after the agent on the core server itself was accidentally deleted.


To fix this issue, we have to re-install Agent to get new device record.

To do it, please:

■ Find out the opsware-agent file on your server after that, run install it. This is example command:
. /opsware-agent-60.0.56685.0-linux-6SERVER-X86_64 --no_opsw_gw --coreinstall --no_start_agent

■ After that we attach the service levels with a one-line command:
env PYTHONPATH=/opt/ospware/pylibs2 /opt/opsware/bin/python2 -c 'from coglib import spinwrapper;dvc_id=int(open("/etc/opt/opsware/agent/mid").read().strip());s=spinwrapper.SpinWrapper(url="");rc_ids=s.RoleClass.getIDList(restrict={"role_class_full_name":("Service Level - Vault","ServiceLevel Opsware Spin Multimaster Central","ServiceLevel Opsware Way","ServiceLevel Opsware Word","ServiceLevel Opsware adh","ServiceLevel Opsware agent","ServiceLevel Opsware buildmgr","ServiceLevel Opsware dhcp","ServiceLevel Opsware hub","ServiceLevel Opsware occ","ServiceLevel Opsware twist","Opsware Agent","Opsware Spin","Opsware Vault","Opsware Way","Opsware Word","Opsware buildmgr","Opsware dhcp","Opsware hub","Opsware occ","Opsware twist"),"stack_id":(4,6)});cur_rc_ids=s.Device.getChildIDList(dvc_id,child_class="RoleClass",restrict={"role_class_id":rc_ids});add_rc_ids=filter(lambda i:i not in cur_rc_ids,rc_ids);print "\\nMmissing RoleClasses: %s\\n" % add_rc_ids;add_rc_ids and s.Device.addRoleClasses(dvc_id, child_ids=add_rc_ids)'

■ After that we create waycore with the command:
env PYTHONPATH=/opt/opsware:/opt/opsware/pylibs2 /opt/opsware/bin/python2 ./create_waycore_srvc.pyc --certfile /var/opt/opsware/crypto/spin/spin.srv
(the script create_waycore_srvc.pyc can find in SA installer media)

■ Then change the core 1’s customer to Opsware

■ Remove the multi-central Spin from core 2 since it is not primary core.

This type of recovery should be done by PSO.