It works well for other knowledge document id in Search Knowledgebase, only unable to find ceratin knowledge document id, but can find them in Published Documents.
Go to System Navigator > Knowledge Management > Search Knowledgebase
1) In query field, input the knowledge document id which have the issue, and click Search button directly
Result: could not search the record, 0 documents found
2) Go to Advanced search, select the tab "Knowledge_Library", input "Document ID", and click Search button
Result: could search the record.
The Locale value of the knowledge document in Published Documents is not set to the login language
1. Go to System Navigator > Knowledge Management > Published Documents
2. Search the document with Document ID
3. Click Edit, update the Locale value to the login language
4. Click Publish External / Internal
5. Go to Knowledge Management > Configuration > Knowledgebases
6. Find the Knowledge_Library, and click Full Reindex.
Confirm the reindex runs successfully
7. Go to Knowledge Management > Search Knowledgebase wich document id