<(ALM) Support Tip> Issue: Not possible to connect workspace to IBS from Octane

  • KM03084278
  • 31-Jan-2018
  • 09-Oct-2019


A technical issue where Integration Bridge can not connect to the Octane workspace.


Error Detal:

Failed to enable Bridge service on selected shared space. Reason: Failed to execute request to http://uxplaoibs01.sandsli.dnb.no:8080/opb/admin/shared_spaces. Message: {"errorCode":"VALIDATION_DECRYPTING_ERROR","detailedMessage":"Cannot parse token. root cause: Unable to decrypt the following bytes: [ 61, 121, 79, 64...

state: site-admin-shared-space-management-grid


During the configure ibs.yml file, we set the initString property value wrong in SSO section


As described in the installation manual, the correct value can be found in the Octane server in the hpssoconfig.xml file