Trigger CI does not stay populated when setting up new NNMI integration.
When setting up a new NNMI integration population job in UCMDB Integration studio. When configuring the new integration template, installingion the CI type trigger IP address and then saving the configuration. If you edit the new integration you will notice no trigger ci found and ip address removed.
Possible cause:
Trigger CI is not listed in UCMDB.
Trigger CI does not have the enough information in the properties to be used as a trigger CI.
Corrupt Ci in UCMDB.
Possible fixes
If CI type is not listed in UCMDB. You may create the trigger CI when creating the Integration point by selecting "Create new CI type".
If the CI is already in UCMDB but does not link to the integration point, then open UCMDB-UI and remove the CI in IT Universe Manager. Then add new trigger CI from Integration setup template.
Or run a discovery to find the CI on the network and add it to UCMDB.