Failed to import DP9.x client into DP10.x cell

  • KM03069763
  • 10-Jan-2018
  • 19-Mar-2021


Unable to import a DP 9.09 client into a new DP 10.02 cell manager


# omnicc -import_host DP9.x_client_hostname

[12:1625] Import host failed.
        [12:1625] Import host failed.

Inet debugs shows problem comes from IPC packets sent - requested message size is  larger than maximum ...

[260] 2017-12-27 16:32:02.191 ("/lib/ipc/ipc.c $Rev: 57279 $ $Date:: 2017-03-15 10:07:55 ":6292)


[260] <<=== (5) }  /* ipcI_receivePacket */


[260]   RetVal: (int) 4
[112] data_size=369295617
[ 10] [DynBufOptimizeSize] requested message size:369295617 larger than maximum:16777215
[ -2] 2017-12-27 16:32:02.191  INET.1128.1124 ["/lib/ipc/ipc.c $Rev: 57279 $ $Date:: 2017-03-15 10:07:55 ":6672] A.09.00 b114
[ipc_receiveDataExBase] invalid IPC packet header (369295617) => fail with ERROR
[ -2] [ipc_receiveDataExBase] from connectionIP:[], peerHost:[], peerProg:, pid:0
[ -2] Dump of the first 4 bytes
[ -2] [DbgDumpMem] 4/4 bytes
[ -2]       16 03 01 01                                                               ....
[ -2] cmd:omniinet.exe
[ -2] Function trace (currentLevel=4):
[ -2]       Level  4: ipc_receiveDataExBase(handle=1, buffer size=0, timeout=5)
[ -2]       Level  3: ipc_peekDataEx(handle=1, buffer size=0, timeout=5)
[ -2]       Level  2: SecIpcNegotiateProtoAcceptPeekEx(handle:1)
[ -2]       Level  1: SecIpcAcceptConnection()
[ -2]       Level  0: RxMain()
[ -2]


DP9.x used encryption communication called ECC.
DP10.x uses new security model based on self-signed certificates (SSC).


Need to add DP9.x_client_hostname to the exception list and then import :

omnicc -secure_comm -configure_exception DP9.x_client_hostname
omnicc -import_host DP9.x_client_hostname