OO central was down after execution multi-instance flow with 4000 inputs

  • KM03067795
  • 08-Jan-2018
  • 08-Jan-2018

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OO central was down after execution multi-instance flow with 4000 inputs with error: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space Dumping heap to java_pid10780.hprof ...


HP Operations Orchestration central was down after execution multi-instance flow. we have 4000 inputs for a multi instance flow. When we deploy and execute the flow, flow doesn't completed successfully and central gives some errors after then like "Internal Server Error"


modify line from central.wrapper.conf:
- wrapper.java.additional.21=-Dout.buffer.max.buffer.weight=7500
Replace with:
- wrapper.java.additional.21=-Dout.buffer.max.buffer.weight=30000